Spill It Sunday #9

Happy Sunday everyone. I hope you have had a stellar weekend so far! I know I have! I have had some good eats and good company and luckily not too much work to do since I got ahead last weekend.
So I am here to link up with Arman for Spill It Sunday! AND it is his birthday so Happy Birthday!!!

The Big Man's World

1. When is your birthday? Mine is November 11. Also known as Veteran’s Day which was sweet in middle school because we got the day off school! I also like it because it is 11/11.

2. What would your ideal ‘day’ look like? I would wake up, decently early and go for a long run with perfect weather, for me that is sunny and low 70s for running. Then have a delicious breakfast with lots of fresh fruit, yogurt, french toast and coffee. Afterwards I would go paddle boarding in an ocean with clear water and then be able to swim and lay out on the beach and maybe do some beach yoga. I would get a late afternoon massage followed by an epic sushi dinner, live music, and froyo for dessert 🙂 Lunch would have been on the beach maybe a fresh salad with seafood. My favorite people- my mom and Shane would also be spending the entire day with me but of course!

3. When was your most memorable birthday? Hmmm, I don’t remember any that stand out that well, I have had a couple good ones and some other not so great ones. Since being in college we have been traveling on my birthday every year so that isn’t too exciting. When I was young we did the same thing every year- go to Chevy Chase Club, rent the party room, my neighbor had a limo he drove us in, and we went duck pin bowling there.
By high school I stepped up my party game- my mom bought at an action to go to a store in Annapolis for a couple hours with refreshments and snacks and try on clothes and get a discount. Another good one was in 7th grade? I had a manhunt birthday… I think that was the most memorable. We had teams, each team had a different color shirt and we played all around my neighborhood, until the cops came! opps.

at least I raced well!
at least I raced well!
regionals 2012
regionals 2012
second year cowboys and indians!
second year cowboys and indians!
us singing
us singing
first cowboys and indians team birthday party
first cowboys and indians team birthday party

4. When was your worst birthday? When I turned 7 years old after my birthday party I was eating dinner and probably on a sugar high and rocking back and forth in my chair… well the chair (a stool) tipped over, my head hit the fridge, my head then tilted forwards and I stuck my fork in my chin and needed stitches that night… yeah not so great. I also bit my tung really badly too.

5. What is the best birthday present you have ever received? Well Shane got me my anchor Tiffany necklace for my birthday 2.5 years ago and I still wear that almost everyday so that is a pretty good one. Otherwise I never really want too much for my birthday at least nothing big.

6. What is the worst birthday present you have ever received? How about when some, your father, tells you he got you something or will get you something and then never does… this has happened on numerous occasions. Oh I will get you _____… yeah 3 years later and I am still waiting. One year all he got me was a cell phone case that could hold my ID, off of Amazon… I don’t know if that is better or worse than when he got my sister new tires for her birthday, but hey those things are expensive.

7. What is a health related gift on your wish list? I want to get my yoga certification and probably personal trainer too so that’ll somehow work it’s way into a gift most likely because they are expensive! If you are talking never going to happen wish list I would want my own Alter G treadmill. I really like them!

8. What is a food related gift on your wish list? I really want a vitamix, spiralizer, and donut pan! Plus I always get Yogurtland and Whole Foods gift cards 🙂 they never go to waste!

9. What is your birthday cake of choice? I’m not really a huge cake person… I used to like ice cream cakes until they gave me terrible stomach aches. So sometimes I go with a fruit tart and other times I get a pumpkin pie 🙂 I am also a big fan of brownies… I really just don’t like icing and I like thick or creamy desserts.

I love birthdays, not just my own but also celebrating others too! I love finding personalized gifts and seeing someones reaction or baking them an epic sweet treat! Thanks for the great theme Arman!

20140608-103441-38081057.jpgPost short (25 min run) selfie! HOT HOT HOT.


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