Goals for 2016

Hey there. Since I recapped 2015 a few days ago I figured I would now post my new year goals. So how about it?!


  1. Find a condo/apartment in San Diego that we love and is within our budget.
  2. Find a full time job in San Diego!! Hopefully before we move out there. I have a phone interview this week!
  3. Plan and Do a fun cross country road trip. Key word- FUN! We want to drive down the E coast and to Nola for a few days, take a break from driving and see friends, then get back on the road.
  4. Start saving money again, I haven’t really saved anything since I moved to Newport since it is very expensive to live up here and I work a lot less.
  5. Donate at least 1/4-1/3 of my stuff at home! I was so much stuff I have saved over the years and I do not want a cluttered place in San Diego.
  6. Run 2 more half marathons, or more 🙂 There will be a lot more opportunities after we move! + continue to run 3x a week. ( I think I found the first two I want to run and will keep you all updated!)IMG_0387
  7. Finally get some dog training for sparky. He totally thinks he can do whatever he wants like getting into the pantry and eating on the couch lol. IMG_0442
  8. Find some running buddies in San Diego after we move! Since I will start running longer distances again it would be nice to have people to run with and train with. I want to start doing track workouts again once spring hits.

So that’s about all I can think of for now! I think that is enough to handle for now and I will create more goals once summer hits!

Linking up with Amanda and Katie this week.

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